Call for Abstract

3rd Global Microbiologists Annual Meeting , will be organized around the theme “A Journey To The Diverse Microbial Environs”

Microbiologists 2016 is comprised of 17 tracks and 221 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Microbiologists 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Environmental microbiology is about the composition and physiology of microbial communities in the environment. The environment in this case includes soil, water, air, sediments, animals and plants. It also includes artificial environments like Bioreactors. Molecular biology has revolutionized the study of microorganisms in the environment and improved our understanding of the composition, phylogeny, and physiology of microbial communities. The present molecular technologies include DNA-based technologies and new methods for RNA and protein studies from environment samples.  Currently there is a major emphasis on the application of "omics" approaches to determine the identities and functions of microbes inhabiting different environments. Microbial life is amazingly diverse and microorganisms literally cover the planet. Microorganisms can survive in some of the most extreme environments on the planet and some can survive high temperatures, often above 100°C, as found in geysers, black smokers, and oil wells. Some are found in very cold habitats and others in highly salt|saline, acidic, or alkaline water. Microbes play a crucial role in oil biodegradation, degradation of aromatic compounds and analysis of waste bio treatment. 

  • Track 1-1Detection, enumeration and identification methods
  • Track 1-2Microbial communication activities
  • Track 1-3Interaction of microbes with the environment
  • Track 1-4Population biology and genetics of microorganisms
  • Track 1-5Element cycles and biogeochemical processes
  • Track 1-6Global climatic changes and microbial infections
  • Track 1-7Novel approaches and models of microbial transport
  • Track 1-8Remediation of organic and metal pollutants
  • Track 1-9Microbial agents as agents for bioterrorism
  • Track 1-10Microbial risk assessment
  • Track 1-11Diversity for xenobiotic degradation pathways and enzymes
  • Track 1-12Rhizoremediation
  • Track 1-13Biocatalysis and biotransformation
  • Track 1-14Production and use of material and energy
  • Track 1-15Biofuels: Biogas, Biodiesel, and Bioalcohols
  • Track 1-16Scope of advancements and applications of biofuels
  • Track 2-1Poultry and Dairy Science
  • Track 2-2Animal Diseases, Diagnosis and treatment
  • Track 2-3Applications of animal byproducts
  • Track 2-4Clinical research and outcomes
  • Track 2-5Stem Cell Engineering, Radiation and Surgery

Medical Microbiology deals with the body's response to invading microorganisms. Bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, the major subfields of microbiology are first covered with the general concepts of cytology and physiology of different microbes and then with major pathogens of humans. Stress on the mechanisms of infection characteristic of that type of microorganism, provide the audience with a framework for understanding rather than memorizing the clinical behaviour of the pathogens. Microbial generations are smarter enough to bring about a change in their resistance patterns, thereby paving a way for development of newer strategies and emerging trends in combating the microbial infections. There has been an enormous modification in the diagnostic methods and tools starting from the basic nucleic acid probing to circulating biomarker studies.

  • Track 3-1Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
  • Track 3-2Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Ebola, Zika
  • Track 3-3Viral and Bacterial Outbreaks
  • Track 3-4Clinical research and case reports
  • Track 3-5Strategies involved in diagnosis and treatment procedures
  • Track 3-6Microbial Forensics
  • Track 3-7Global Trends and Market Research

The mouth is colonized by 200 to 300 bacterial species, but only a limited number of these species participate in dental decay or periodontal diseases. Streptococcus mutans is the main cause of dental decay. Various Lactobacilli are associated with progression of the lesion. Dental decay is due to the irreversible solubilisation of tooth mineral by acid produced by certain bacteria that adhere to the tooth surface in bacterial communities known as dental plaque. Microbiologic diagnosis is usually not sought. Spirochetes and other motile organisms are found upon dark-field microscopic examination. Immunologic reagents, DNA probes and enzyme assays have been developed for P gingivalis, T denticola, Bacteroides forsythus, A actinomycetemcomitans and other organisms.


  • Track 4-1Microbiology of Dental Decay
  • Track 4-2Dental Caries
  • Track 4-3Plaque Biofilm Development
  • Track 4-4Effect of Anti-microbials on Oral Bacteria
  • Track 4-5Effect of Anti-microbials on Oral Bacteria
  • Track 4-6Root Canal Infections
  • Track 4-7Childhood Dental Caries and Infections
  • Track 4-8Role of Pathogens and Opportunistic Microbes
  • Track 4-9Infection Control and Prevention of Cross-Infection
  • Track 4-10Endodontic Microbiology

This track provides an overview of the global microbiology market, analyses of global market trends, with data from previous reports, estimates for future trends, and projections of CAGRs through years. It would include discussions on the current state, setbacks, innovations, and the future needs of the market. Information regarding key manufacturers and users along with major case reports from microbial diseases or infections might pave the way for new discoveries or inventions in this field.

  • Track 5-1Global markets for microbial technologies
  • Track 5-2Markets for microbiology consumables and equipments
  • Track 5-3Market research on technologies and applications of microbial products
  • Track 5-4Vaccines, peptide antibiotics and fermented food products
  • Track 5-5Global analysis of food safety products
  • Track 5-6Microbial biopesticides and antimicrobial products
  • Track 5-7Case reports on microbial diseases and infections
  • Track 5-8Manufacturers in the field of microbiology

Diagnostic medical microbiology is concerned with the etiologic diagnosis of infection. Diagnostic microbiology encompasses the characterization of thousands of agents that cause or are associated with infectious diseases. The techniques used to characterize infectious agents vary greatly depending on the clinical syndrome and the type of agent being considered, be it virus, bacterium, fungus, or parasite. Because no single test will permit isolation or characterization of all potential pathogens, clinical information is much more important for diagnostic microbiology than it is for clinical chemistry or hematology. Many pathogenic microorganisms grow slowly, and days or even weeks may elapse before they are isolated and identified. Treatment cannot be deferred until this process is complete. After obtaining the proper specimens and informing the laboratory of the tentative clinical diagnosis, the clinician should begin treatment with drugs aimed at the organism thought to be responsible for the patient's illness. There are many diagnostic procedures to identify the causative organism ranging from the evergreen nucleic acid probing amplification tests, Ag-Ab tests, Cytometry tests to biosensors and biotection. From the past few years, NGS, digital PCR and proteomic based tests have emerged and are gaining successful results in diagnosis. 

  • Track 6-1Nucleic acid probing and amplification tests
  • Track 6-2Rapid antigen and antibody detection tests
  • Track 6-3Cytometry-based antimicrobial resistance techniques
  • Track 6-4Breath tests for detection of pathogenic microbes
  • Track 6-5Centrifugal microfluidics
  • Track 6-6Bioanalytical sensors and Biodetection
  • Track 6-7Microarray analysis: Carbohydrates, proteins and DNA
  • Track 6-8Next generation sequencing
  • Track 6-9Application of Mass spectrometry techniques for target identification
  • Track 6-10Use of nanotechnology methods for microbial detection
  • Track 6-11Clinical utility of gene expression signatures
  • Track 6-12Circulating biomarker studies
  • Track 6-13Advances in qPCR and digital PCR techniques

The field of Geomicrobiology is concerned with the role of microbe and microbial processes in geological and geochemical processes. This field is especially important when dealing with microorganisms in aquifers and public drinking water supplies. It includes organisms that are considered extremophiles. Extremophiles are microorganisms that live in areas considered too hostile for most. An example of an extremophile is anaerobic sulphate reducing bacteria, which lives in hyper-saline lagoons in Brazil and Australia. It is believed these bacteria may be responsible for the formation of dolmitea. A good example of a geomicrobe is Pseudomonas putidia. Geomicrobiological processes are relevant in many natural environments including aquifers, geological and geochemical processes, extreme environments like acidic, extreme temperatures and saline conditions and in metal ion reduction. Some of the most important processes include Weathering, Precipitation of carbonates and phosphates, Ocean crust support, Nuclear waste disposal and hot springs. Predictive microbiology includes responses of microorganism's to particular environmental conditions such as temperature, pH and water activity. It utilises mathematical models and computer software to graphically describe these responses. These models do not replace laboratory analysis or the training and judgment of an experienced food microbiologist. Predictive microbiological models must be used with great caution and only used by trained, experienced personnel with an understanding of the limitations of use. In all these, a prediction must only be used as a guide to the response of microorganism(s) to a particular set of environmental conditions. Food businesses should never rely solely on any predictive microbiological model to determine the safety of foods and/or processing systems. Predictive microbiological models are normally developed assuming that microbial responses are consistent. While predictive models can provide a cost effective means to minimise microbiological testing in determining shelf-life. Initiatives to develop microbiological modelling programs have been ongoing in the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Australia and other countries for a number of years. These programs have resulted in the development of a wide range of microbiological modelling software packages becoming available on the internet for download.

  • Track 7-1Vital roles of microbes on earth
  • Track 7-2Iron oxide nanoparticles: from biogeochemistry to bioremediation
  • Track 7-3Geobiotechnology and petroleum oil recovery
  • Track 7-4Geodynamics
  • Track 7-5Nanoparticle colloids: New opportunities and challenges
  • Track 7-6AZO dyes: Microbial reduction and dynamics
  • Track 7-7Impact of Bioinformatics on Microbiology
  • Track 7-8Impact of Bioinformatics on Microbiology
  • Track 7-9Sequencing and OMICS Data Analysis
  • Track 7-10Metagenomics and Systems Microbiology Approach
  • Track 7-11Infectious Disease Dynamics and Mathematical Models

Clinical microbiology as a branch of science deals with the interrelation of macro- and microorganisms under normal and pathological conditions. It provides comprehensive information on the identification of different microorganisms and outlines recent vicissitudes in taxonomy. Microbial profiling is the relegation of microbes predicated on experiments, resulting expeditious identification. This system is developed for expeditious identification of clinically germane organisms and hence only kenned microbes can be identified. The predominant proteomic technologies that have been explored for microbial identification and characterization include matrix-availed laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS); electro spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS); surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) mass spectrometry; one- or two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE); or the coalescence of mass spectrometry, gel electrophoresis, and bioinformatics. In the context of plants, two symbiotic systems have been actively studied for many years. One is arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis and the other is root nodule (RN) symbiosis. Oral bacteria have evolved mechanisms to sense their environment and eschew or modify the host. 

  • Track 8-1Vision and emerging trends in clinical microbiology
  • Track 8-2Clinical bacteriology and virology
  • Track 8-3Insights into parasitology and mycology
  • Track 8-4Current research in clinical veterinary microbiology
  • Track 8-5Clinical immunology of microbial diseases
  • Track 8-6Microbial genomics and cellular microbiology
  • Track 8-7Genome plasticity and infectious diseases
  • Track 8-8Detection technologies for microbial contaminants
  • Track 8-9Nanopatches and nanovaccination
  • Track 8-10Public health and community-acquired diseases
  • Track 8-11Clinical research and biomarker studies using omics approach

Medical microbiology deals with the body's response to invading microorganisms. Bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, the major subfields of microbiology are first covered with the general concepts of cytology and physiology of different microbes and then with major pathogens of humans. Stress on the mechanisms of infection characteristic of that type of microorganism, provide the audience with a framework for understanding rather than memorizing the clinical behaviour of the pathogens. The concepts and emerging trends in pathogenesis of microbes and their virulence mechanisms, their genetic background provide a deep insight into the understanding of disease establishment and progression. Recent research on nematodes and protozoans will contribute in making advancements in the emerging studies. Knowledge on parasites, diversified roles and their interactions with the host will bring awareness on the importance and existence of extremely minute organisms.  The next section comprises of introduction to the Polymicrobial diseases and the tropical diseases, arranged by organ system and provides transition for clinical considerations. Microbial generations are smarter enough to bring about a change in their resistance patterns, thereby paving a way for development of newer strategies and emerging trends in combating the microbial infections. There has been an enormous modification in the diagnostic methods and tools starting from the basic nucleic acid probing to circulating biomarker studies.

  • Track 9-1Microbial biotechnology and host-pathogen interactions
  • Track 9-2Cellular and molecular techniques in medical mycology
  • Track 9-3Virulence and molecular biology of mycobacteria
  • Track 9-4Diagnosis and management of fungal infections
  • Track 9-5Microbial zoonoses and sapronoses
  • Track 9-6Polymicrobial diseases
  • Track 9-7Tropical diseases in travellers
  • Track 9-8Trends in emerging microbial diseases
  • Track 9-9Major subfields of microbial infections: Bacteriology and Virology
  • Track 9-10The emerging fields: Parasitology, protozoology, Nematology
  • Track 9-11Bacteriology: Diseases and Clinical Studies
  • Track 9-12Virology: Viral infections, research, diagnosis and therapeutics

Microorganisms have been used as sources of antibioticsvitamins and enzymes and for the production of fermented foods and chemicals since many decades. In the current century, microorganisms are and will play a vital role in addressing some of the problems faced by mankind.  Microbes have a significant role to play in the discovery of antibiotics, microbial vaccines, immune system modulating agents, disinfectants, anti-microbial coatings, manufacturing of biofuels and bioplastics, using biotransformation for the production of fine chemicals and many other therapeutic agents. Hence, microbes have proved beneficial for the survival of mankind.                

  • Track 10-1Antimicrobial drug discovery
  • Track 10-2Antibiotics: Discovery, selection and toxicity
  • Track 10-3Microbial vaccines and immunomodulators
  • Track 10-4Interactions between drug and host
  • Track 10-5Measuring drug susceptibility and resistance in microbes
  • Track 10-6Biological control of microbes and health benefits
  • Track 10-7Toxins: Myco, Phyco, Bacterial and Viral
  • Track 10-8Anti-microbial coatings and clinical disinfectants
  • Track 10-9Vaccines from plants, animals, bacteria and viruses
  • Track 10-10Glyco-conjugate vaccines
  • Track 10-11Nano vaccines: The centre for revolution
  • Track 10-12Pain-free vaccination technology
  • Track 10-13Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
  • Track 10-14Advances in treatments and therapeutic procedures

Microorganisms attach to surfaces and develop biofilms. Biofilm-associated cells can be differentiated from their suspended counterparts by generation of an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix, reduced growth rates, and the up- and down- regulation of specific genes. Attachment is a complex process regulated by diverse characteristics of the growth medium, substratum, and cell surface. An established biofilm structure comprises microbial cells and EPS, has a defined architecture, and provides an optimal environment for the exchange of genetic material between cells. Cells may also communicate via quorum sensing, which may in turn affect biofilm processes such as detachment. Biofilms have great importance for public health because of their role in certain infectious diseases and importance in a variety of device-related infections. A greater understanding of biofilm processes should lead to novel, effective control strategies for biofilm control and a resulting improvement in patient management.

  • Track 11-1Biofilms: detection, prevention, control
  • Track 11-2Quorum sensing and social interactions
  • Track 11-3Biofilms in disease: algal and fungal
  • Track 11-4Ecological significance of plant associated biofilms
  • Track 11-5Soil biofilms
  • Track 11-6Food industry biofilms
  • Track 11-7Antimicrobial resistance of biofilms
  • Track 11-8Association of biofilms with corrosion and fouling
  • Track 11-9Applications in bioremediation and wastewater treatment
  • Track 11-10Biofilms in maintenance of freshwater health
  • Track 11-11Catalytic biofilms
  • Track 11-12Nanotechnology in biofilm control
  • Track 11-13The physics of bacterial co-operation

Microbial genetics is concerned with the transmission of hereditary characters in microorganisms. It plays a unique role in developing the fields of molecular and cell biology. It has also found applications in medical, agricultural, food and pharmaceutical industries. Microbes are ideally suited for combined biochemical and genetic studies, and proved to be successful in providing information on genetic codes and gene regulations. After the discovery of DNA transfer, bacteria were of great interest because of their higher rate of reproduction and mutation than other larger organisms. Conjugation, transformation, and transduction are the important methods for mapping the genes on bacterial chromosomes. Recombinant DNA technology, selection, mutation, reproductive cloning, and use of plasmids form a part of genetic engineering tools. Metagenomics is the study of genetic material derived from environmental samples. Microbial genomics can be used to create new biofuels. Pathogenicity islands are discrete genetic loci that encode more virulent factors. Immunology is the study of protection from invading organisms like virusesbacteria, protozoa, parasites and our responses to them. The commensal microbiota plays a significant role in modulating the outcome of immune responses in the host body keeping immune homeostasis in health. The barrier tissue such as the skin stops the entry of organism into our bodies. However, if the organisms penetrate through the skin, then macrophages and neutrophils kill them without the need for antibodies. Immediate challenge comes from soluble molecules that deprive the invading organism of essential nutrients and from certain molecules that are found on the surfaces of epithelia, in secretions and in the blood stream. A second line of defence is the adaptive immune system which takes days to respond to a primary invasion. Here, we see the production of antibodies and the cells involved include B-cells and T-cells. Development of autoimmune diseases is a multi-factorial process. Triggers from environmental and genetic factors as well as pathogenic pathways might explain the causes and outcomes of diseases in humans. 

  • Track 12-1Genes and genomes of microbiota
  • Track 12-2Transcription and translational regulations of eukaryotes and prokaryotes
  • Track 12-3Proteins: Modifications, folding, secretion and degradation
  • Track 12-4Genetics of Archae
  • Track 12-5Genetic transfer in prokaryotes
  • Track 12-6Tools of genetic engineering
  • Track 12-7Cloning techniques
  • Track 12-8Pathogenomics: Genome analysis of pathogenic organisms
  • Track 12-9Genome evolution
  • Track 12-10Regulation & global regulatory mechanisms: Molecular and Developmental
  • Track 12-11Sensing and Signal transduction
  • Track 12-12The science and applications of microbial genomics
  • Track 12-13Metagenomics: Sequences from the environment
  • Track 12-14Transgenic microorganisms
  • Track 12-15Genetic engineering products
  • Track 12-16Use of multi-omics approaches

Industrial microbiology is also termed as microbial biotechnology. It employs application of scientific and engineering principles to process the materials by microorganisms or plant and animal cells to create useful products and processes. The microbes utilized may be natural isolates, selected mutants from the laboratories or microbes that are genetically engineered using recombinant DNA technologies. Areas under industrial microbiology include quality assurance for the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. Industrial microbiology may also be responsible for contamination of air and plants, destroying the animal health used in testing products, and discovery of newer pathways and microbes. Industrial microbiology has proved beneficial for the discovery, development, or implementation of certain processes like antibiotics, antimicrobials, vaccines, health-care products foods and beverages food flavouring agents, preservatives, enzymes, carbohydrates. It is also involved in checking the quality of resultant products. Other uses of industrial microbiology include recovery of oil or mining, contamination control, degrade or transform pollutants and also in waste water management. This may lead to the discovery or engineering of microbes to solve contamination and recycling issues and thereby assess the environmental safety of new products.

  • Track 13-1The utilization of bacteria, yeasts and molds in industrial processes
  • Track 13-2Molecular products from microbes
  • Track 13-3Use of primary and secondary metabolites
  • Track 13-4Large-scale fermentations
  • Track 13-5Industrial production of antibiotics
  • Track 13-6Synthesis of un-common amino acids and vitamins
  • Track 13-7Enzymes and steroids in industry
  • Track 13-8Novel applications in the fields of agriculture, energy and medicine
  • Track 13-9Organisms for bioremediation
  • Track 13-10High sensitivity detection and analysis
  • Track 13-11Microbes and Biodegradation process

An ecological approach is organized by habitat, from freshwater and salt water to extreme and anthropogenic systems. It offers new insights into the differing rates of microbes in various aquatic habitats, their relative abundance and growth rates, and their contribution to the biochemical cycling of elements. Freshwater and marine ecosystems provide an array of critical ecosystem services such as participating in various biogeochemical cycles and nutrient exchange, providing natural protection and habitat, degrading and dispersing many environmental pollutants. Concentrating on the interactions between micro-vertebrates and micro-invertebrates, the track gives a wide biological appeal. Waterborne infections are caused by recreational or drinking water contaminated by disease causing microbes or pathogens. Application of commercial blends of microbes, microbial enzymes and immobilized cells in waste water treatment help in removal of metals and metal pollutants.  Water recycling is used for beneficial purposes such as agricultural, irrigation purposes, industrial processes, and replenishing a ground water basin. Wastewater treatment can be employed to meet the water quality requirements of a planned reuse. Apart from this, fewer microbes can also be used as bioindicators. Biological indicators may be defined as particular species or communities, which, by their presence, provide information on the surrounding physical or chemical environment at a particular site. Information about the water quality by algae can be provided either in the form of long-term formation or short-term formation.

  • Track 14-1Freshwater and marine ecosystems
  • Track 14-2Microbial ecology in health and disease
  • Track 14-3Microbial ecology of oceans
  • Track 14-4Freshwater microbiology: Biodiversity and dynamic interactions
  • Track 14-5Concepts and applications of freshwater ecosystems
  • Track 14-6Freshwater algae- Identification and use as biomarkers
  • Track 14-7Microbiology of waterborne diseases: Outlooks and Threats
  • Track 14-8Contamination: Pathogens and microbial indicators
  • Track 14-9Pollution control Biotechnology
  • Track 14-10Microbiology of waste water treatment
  • Track 14-11Categories of wastewater re-use
  • Track 14-12Public health aspects of wastewater effluents
  • Track 14-13Microbiota in toxicity testing
  • Track 14-14Bioactive compounds and biotechnological applications

Food Microbiology focuses on microbes having both beneficial and deleterious effects on the safety and quality of foods, thereby becoming a public concern. Food science includes microbial interactions with various foods and food chain environments including their adaptation and response mechanisms to food processing and handling stresses. Both microbial versatility and diversity can be exploited biotechnologically and industrially for the improvement of quality, safety and healthy processes of processed foods. An in-depth exploration of microbiology of fermented foods will prove commercially beneficial. Equally important is the fact that milk is an excellent source of nutrients for humans, and yet these same nutrients provide a most suitable medium for microbial growth and metabolism. Nutrigenomics focusses on identifying and understanding molecular-level interaction between nutrients and other dietary bioactives with the genome. Over the past few years, sequencing the entire genome of a single cell, a way to connect 16S genes to other functions encoded on the same strand of DNA, has become a viable option. Genomics and functional genomics of pathogenic and value adding technological microbes, molecular methods for the identification, typing and characterization of microbes and complex microbial communities, evolutionary dynamics of food-borne pathogenic microbes will be great use.

Development of probioticsprebiotics and synbiotics as food supplements and their effects on human health including effects on host gut microbiota. Advancements of predictive microbiology and its application to food and process optimization and risk assessment are emerging. 

  • Track 15-1Food mycology: Advances and Applications
  • Track 15-2Biotics: Pro, Pre and Syn
  • Track 15-3Non-food applications of fermentation
  • Track 15-4Practical benefits of fermenting
  • Track 15-5The art of fermentation: An in-depth exploration
  • Track 15-6Microbial safety: Processing and storage
  • Track 15-7Microbiological considerations in food processing and preservation
  • Track 15-8Fruits, vegetables and food processing
  • Track 15-9The emerging faces of nutrition microbiology: Nutritional genomics
  • Track 15-10Single cell genomes: The game changers
  • Track 15-11The Microbiology of foods
  • Track 15-12Disease outbreaks associated with milk products
  • Track 15-13Somatic cell counts, mastitis, antibiotics in milk
  • Track 15-14Microbial standards and microbes of concern in milk
  • Track 15-15An insight into dairy microbiology
  • Track 15-16Foodborne viruses: An emerging dread
  • Track 15-17Microbial foodborne diseases
  • Track 15-18Deadly microbes: Food safety and toxicity
  • Track 15-19Canned foods: An introduction to their microbiology
  • Track 15-20Microbiologically safe foods

Plant and soil microbiology provides a comprehensive source of information on DNA sequencing and mapping. It also describes how transgene expression is controlled in plants and how advanced information strategies can be used to manipulate and modify the plant genome. Most plants strongly rely on the co-existence with microorganisms. Thereby, both groups benefit from these symbioses. It has been shown and reported that a large number of specific genes in plants and microorganisms are specifically activated during these interactions. Of course, microbes also act as pathogens. Interactions between plants and microorganisms are often located on plant surfaces, such as leaf cuticles, seeds and on roots. The tract discusses the signalling within a symbiosis or the molecular differences between symbiotic and pathogenic microorganisms, the role of microbes in plant growth and development or in plant protection against deleterious agents and the interactions of microbes with genetically modified plants. The analysis of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere; microbial population genetics; various aspects of mycorrhizal symbiosis; functional genomic approaches and the use of microorganisms as bio-indicator of soil disturbance, modulations of soil ecosystems, and soil fertility would prove to be an exciting tract. An overview of all the applications of plant transformation in agriculture, medicine and industry will prove beneficial.

  • Track 16-1Ecology of soil microorganisms
  • Track 16-2Microbes in soil aggregation
  • Track 16-3Inter-relationships of soil-plant and microbes
  • Track 16-4Microbial modulation of soil ecosystems
  • Track 16-5Soil microbiology in agriculture and soil fertility
  • Track 16-6Plant-pathogenic microorganisms
  • Track 16-7Applications in nutrient transformation processes
  • Track 16-8Improvements in sustainable crop production
  • Track 16-9Molecular host plant resistance to pests
  • Track 16-10Molecular ecology of rhizosphere microbes
  • Track 16-11Recent advances in study of plant and soil microbes

A critical component in successful entrepreneurship is self-knowledge. Microbiologists 2016 aims to congregate all prevailing and potential entrepreneurs to share experiences and present new innovations and challenges in microbiological community. Each year, over a million companies are started in the world but not many of them are categorized as high technology companies. Turning ideas into business ventures is tricky and the opportunity-recognition step is critical in new venture creation. This contour in the entrepreneur's perception of the relationship between the invention and final product is refined into a business model that describes how the venture will make money or provide an appropriate return to the potential investors. Biological science is complex and rapidly changes, thereby necessitating the demand for knowledge for modernizing and competitive position in the industry. Although life scientists are typically the founders of biotech companies, studies have shown that the most successful high tech start-ups are founded by a team of two to three individuals with mixed backgrounds, substantial industry experience and a very clear market and product focus at founding. This three day community-wide conference will be a highly interactive forum that will bring experts in areas from basic concepts in microbiology throughout the science of food, to clinical, industrial, and environmental microbiology. This will reflect on the microbiology at 360 degrees, all-round by expanding the knowledge of everyone. In addition to our outstanding speakers, we will also showcase short talks and poster presentations from submitted abstracts. The speakers will discuss on recent advancements and techniques in the field of microbiology. Thus, this conference will focus on research development to highlight the current state, challenges and future of microbial communities.