Dr. Jose Ramon Gonzalez Juanatey is the President Spanish Society of Cardiology, Director of the Cardiovascular Department. University Hospital. Santiago de Compostela,Spain, Full Professor of Cardiology, University of Santiago de Compostela, School of Medicine, Director of the Cardiovascular Investigation Group in the IDIS Consortium. He is the Member of the Direction Board of the Spanish Network in Heart Failure (REDINSCOR), Former President of the Hypertension Chapter, Spanish Society of Cardiology, Governor for Spain of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Member of the Steering Committee and End-Pint Validation Committee of several Clinical Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine (Heart Failure, Arterial Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk), Member of the Editorial Board and Referee of International Cardiovascular Journals like European Heart Journal, Lancet, American Journal of Cardiology, Circulation, Revista Española de CardiologÃa, etc.