
Geomorphology is the branch of geology that is concerned with the structure, origin, and development of the topographical features of the earth's surface. It also described as the science of landforms with an emphasis on their origin, evolution, form, and distribution across the physical landscape. It is concerned with the internal geologic processes of the earth's crust, such as tectonic activity and volcanism that constructs new landforms, as well as externally driven forces of wind, water, waves, and glacial ice that modify such landforms. Geomorphology concerns itself primarily with the origins of the present landscape but in most landscapes there are present forms that date back to previous geologic epochs or periods. Research in geomorphology is focused on fluvial processes and landforms, particularly in mountainous regions, and on glacial processes and Quaternary landscape history.

  • Geomorphological mapping
  • Glacial landforms and process
  • Periglacial geomorphology
  • Coastal processes and landforms
  • Physical properties of rock, soil and water
  • Fluvial process in geomorphology

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Geomorphology Conference Speakers