Call for Abstract

13th Euro Obesity and Endocrinology Congress, will be organized around the theme “Fastidious Investigation of causes and consequences of obesity and Endocrine Disorders: Treatment & Economics”

Euro Obesity 2017 is comprised of 25 tracks and 203 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Obesity 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Obesity is a condition where accumulation of excessive fat in adipose tissue impairs health. Obesity is mainly caused by intake of a excessive food, lack of physical activity & genetic susceptibility. According to the world health organization WHO (2006), if a person is said to be normal weight, he or she has a Body mass index between 18.50 & 24.99. A person with a BMI of 25 or more is stated as overweight and BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide and considered as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. Globally, overweight & Obesity as of now the fifth leading risk for premature death. Almost 3 million adults die every year. 

  • Track 1-1Obesity in Men
  • Track 1-2Obesity and Pregnancy
  • Track 1-3Teenage Obesity
  • Track 1-4Juvenile Obesity
  • Track 1-5Etiology of obesity
  • Track 1-6Eating Disorders of Obesity
  • Track 1-7Epidemiology of Obesity
  • Track 1-8Abdominal Obesity
  • Track 1-9Obesity in Women
  • Track 1-10Exogeneous Obesity

The lack in energy balance mostly often causes overweight & Obesity. Energy balance means your energy IN equals your OUT energy. Overweight & obesity happens over time when you take more calories than you use. Moreover Inactive Lifestyle- People who was inactive is more likely to gain weight because they don't burn the calories which they have taken from food & drinks. Even Our environment doesn't support healthy lifestyle habits; in fact, it encourages obesity.  Reasons include; Lack of neighbourhood sidewalks & safe places for recreation, Junk food portions, lack of healthy foods & false food advertisings etc.  Family History-genes and Genes play a major role on a person's weight. Overweight & obesity tends to run in families. If any one of your parents were overweight or obese. You are having chances to be obese.

  • Track 2-1Energy Imbalance
  • Track 2-2Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • Track 2-3Appetite and Eating Disorders
  • Track 2-4Environmental and Social Factors
  • Track 2-5Psychological and Behavioural Factors
  • Track 2-6Steroidal and Hormonal Imbalance
  • Track 2-7Lipid and Glucose Metabolism
  • Track 2-8Exogenous Obesity
  • Track 2-9Genetic Susceptibility

Obesity are evidence that Occurrence of monogenic types obesity may be caused by genetic mutations, however, till now, only 78 cases worldwide has been attributed to mutations of seven distinct genes. The most common forms of obesity are probably the result of variations within a large number of genes.  Beside those rare cases, many individuals have been a genetic predisposition of fat that may leads to obesity. Researchers have found many obesity susceptibility genes & the combination of an obese-genic environment & a genetic predisposition of fat will almost result in the development of obesity. Overview, current knowledge says that the conclusion genetic factors may be involved in etiology of obesity & exclusive of rare severe obesity cases, the genes involved are probably genes that interact with environment related factors to energy intake & expenditure to increase the risk of obesity.

  • Track 3-1Genetic Syndromes
  • Track 3-2Non-Syndromic Genetic Obesity
  • Track 3-3Hereditary Factors
  • Track 3-4Chromosomal Abnormalities/Genetic Mutations
  • Track 3-5Genetic Determinants of Food Intake
  • Track 3-6Nutritional Genomics
  • Track 3-7Gene Interactions
  • Track 3-8 Common Polygenic Obesity
  • Track 3-9Epigenetics

Being Obesity & overweight increases the risk of developing a wide variety of serious diseases. The risks arise with BMI, and are greater for obese individuals.

Overweight & obesity are proven risk factors for:

  •   Diabetes
  •   Heart disease
  •   High cholesterol
  •   Stroke
  •   Hypertension
  •   Gallbladder disorders
  •   Musculoskeletal problems
  •   Osteoarthritis
  •   Sleep Apnea & other respiratory illness
  •   Cancer disorders

Obesity is also associated with certain health disorders include:

  • Complications during pregnancy
  • Menstrual irregularity problems
  • Hormone Abnormalities
  • Urinary stress problems
  • Psychological problems
  • Increased risks during surgery
  • Increased risk of death
  • Fertility problems


  • Track 4-1Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Track 4-2Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
  • Track 4-3Cancer
  • Track 4-4Digestive Health and Asthma
  • Track 4-5Dyslipidaemia and Metabolic Disorders
  • Track 4-6Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  • Track 4-7High BP and High Blood Cholesterol
  • Track 4-8Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Track 4-9Osteoarthritis and Gallbladder Disease
  • Track 4-10Reduced Life Expectancy and Ageing
  • Track 4-11Orthopaedic and Psychological Disorders
  • Track 4-12Bone and Reproductive Health
  • Track 4-13Hypertriglyceridemia

Obesity  and diabetes are Inter related diseases. According to statistics of Centre for Disease Control, the people who were diagnosed with type II diabetes, 80-90% were diagnosed as obese. For every 3 seconds, one individual is diagnosed with diabetes. Type II diabetes is a lifelong chronic disease in which high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood and the cells ignore the insulin. Type II diabetes Weight gain is common in people who take insulin to treat diabetes. That’s because of more insulin we use to maintain in our blood glucose level, the more glucose is absorbed into our cells, compare to elimination by our body. The absorbed glucose was stored as a fat, which makes us to gain weight.

  • Track 5-1Type-2 Diabetes/Insulin Resistance
  • Track 5-2Type-2 Diabetes in Children
  • Track 5-3Type-2 Diabetes Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • Track 5-4Diabetes and its Complications
  • Track 5-5Obesity Dependent Diabetes: Treatment
  • Track 5-6Surgery for Diabetic Persons with Obesity
  • Track 5-7Nutritional Therapy
  • Track 5-8Exercise and Healthy lifestyle

Childhood obesity has become more than doubled in children in the past 30 years. The percentage of children who were obese with an age group of 6–12 years in United States is 7% in 1980s & increases to18% in 2012. As of 2012 statistics, moreover one-third of children and adolescents are overweight & obese. Childhood obesity and its effects are strongly associated with risk factors of Heart diseases, diabetes, Genetic disorders, Psychological disorders, apnea, underachievement in school and lower self-esteem.

  • Track 6-1Obesity in Children
  • Track 6-2Pediatric Obesity
  • Track 6-3Nutritional and Hormonal Causes
  • Track 6-4Immediate and Long Term Effects
  • Track 6-5Management and Parental Care
  • Track 6-6Multidisciplinary Treatment
  • Track 6-7Counselling at Schools and Primary Care

Liposuction is a surgery used for elimination of Excess fat accumulated on abdomen, flanks, thighs, and other areas of the body can be a complicated process. which has been one of the most popular plastic surgery techniques for more than three decades now Often, diet & exercise on their own are just not sufficient to the task. In that case, many people who want to achieve more aesthetical pleasing body contours turn into liposuction. This safe, proven procedure has been allowed millions of patients to improve their figures through the precise targeting & removal of isolated deposits of fat. Often compare with other plastic surgery procedures such as abdominoplasty ("tummy tuck" surgery) & breast augmentation, liposuction is a potential ideal solution for anyone who are looking to refine & rejuvenate their contours. 

  • Track 7-1Liposuction in Teens
  • Track 7-2Liposuction in Adults
  • Track 7-3Tummy tuck surgery
  • Track 7-4Breast augmentation
  • Track 7-5Super-wet Liposuction
  • Track 7-6Traditional Liposuction

BMI is used as a screening to indicate whether the person is obese underweight, overweight compare to healthy weight for their height. Any individual BMI is out of the healthy health risks may increases. BMI values are age-independent & same for both genders. A person may have a high BMI, and to determine if this excess weight is a health risk, a healthcare provider would need to complete further findings such as: Skinfold thickness, Evaluations of diet, Physical activity, Family history & other appropriate health screenings.

  • Track 8-1BMI for Children
  • Track 8-2BMI for Men
  • Track 8-3BMI for Women
  • Track 8-4BMI and Clinical Aspects
  • Track 8-5Calculating Body Fat Percentage
  • Track 8-6Novel Technologies in BMI Assessment
  • Track 8-7Assessment of Glucose and Fat Metabolism
  • Track 8-8Waist-Hip Ratio

Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological & life-threatening eating disorder defined the persons extremely low body weight & needless weight loss fear, fear of weight gain, and distorted perception of self-image & body. There are 2 common types of anorexia, which are as follows: Anorexia Nervosa (eating disorder).  2) Restrictive Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa continues to have the highest mortality of psychiatric conditions. Since anorexia involves both mind & body, a team approach to treatment is often best. Those who have involved in anorexia treatment include medical doctors, psychologists, counsellors, and dieticians.

  • Track 9-1Eating Disorders in Adolescents and Teens
  • Track 9-2Anorexia and Co-Morbidities
  • Track 9-3Eating Disorders in Children
  • Track 9-4Anorexia in Pregnancy
  • Track 9-5Eating Disorders in Chronic Illness

Obesity treating entails the combination of dietary, physical activity,&  lifestyle changes. Some Medications also be used. Orlistat, lorcaserin hydrochloride, phentermine, & phentermine/topiramate are FDA approved drugs used for treating obesity. Anticonvulsants, Antidepressants, & metformin were used off-label. Additional to this, group interventions were more effective in decreasing weight & improving glycaemic control. Among older adults, group interventions are most successful than one-on-one training. 

Bariatric Surgery: Approximate 5% of adults were suffering from morbidly obese, preparing such candidates for bariatric surgery. Through Bariatric Surgery significant results were found weight loss, improved glycaemic control, decreases hypertension, depression reduction, improved sexual activity, & decreased sleep apnea. Studies have been shown that after the surgery, The patients of 78% had complete resolution of T2DM, & 62% are in remission 1 year after surgery.

  • Track 10-1Healthy and Balanced Diet
  • Track 10-2Nutritional Genomics
  • Track 10-3Fat Burning Foods
  • Track 10-4Yoga and Aerobics
  • Track 10-5Exercise and Physical Stress
  • Track 10-6Anti-Obesity Pills and Drugs
  • Track 10-7Nutritional Powders and Supplements

The Main therapeutic essential used for treating obesity is proper diet & physical exercise, and healthy lifestyle modification which decrease energy intake & increase expenditure energy.  Pharmacotherapy, Appetite suppressants, Orlistat, Surgery and healthy Dietary Supplements are some of the common treatment used in reducing obesity.

  • Track 11-1Morbid Obesity Treatment
  • Track 11-2Advanced Drugs for Obesity
  • Track 11-3Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity
  • Track 11-4Naturopathic Treatment for Obesity
  • Track 11-5Pharmacologic Therapy
  • Track 11-6Nutritional Supplements
  • Track 11-7Behavioral Counselling and Psychological Treatment

Medical weight loss means not a surgery or diet pills. It is weight management based on medical scientific principles that target the root causes of obesity & weight gain to achieve and sustain a healthy weight in the long-term under the care of a medical provider.

The tools that the providers use to manage medical weight loss were very different from what we have found with commercial programs. Firstly, providers use metabolism & body composition (mainly fat percentage) as a true indicator of weight loss progress. Secondly, they prescribe some, low-calorie & safe diets which are specifically designed to lose weight in breaking the cycle of food addiction. They prescribe an appetite suppressant.  Finally, they have the complete idea & ability to view weight loss & maintenance within the context of total health profile.

  • Track 12-1Lose weight
  • Track 12-2Walking for health
  • Track 12-3Heart disease
  • Track 12-4Controls blood pressure
  • Track 12-5Arthritis
  • Track 12-6Moderate activity
  • Track 12-7Yoga & Physical Activity
  • Track 12-8Internal bleeding
  • Track 12-9Sleeve gastrectomy
  • Track 12-10Gastric bypass
  • Track 12-11Gastric band
  • Track 12-12Body Composition Analysis
  • Track 12-13Health and fitness
  • Track 12-14Emotional health
  • Track 12-15Healthy eating
  • Track 12-16Bariatric Surgery
  • Track 12-17Liposuction: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Track 12-18Laparoscopic Band Surgery
  • Track 12-19Gastric Bypass and Gastroplasty
  • Track 12-20Laparoscopic Surgical Operations
  • Track 12-21Bariatric Surgery and Liposuction

Yoga is the best choice in controlling obesity & maintaining the body fit and healthier also considered as most important physical activity in reducing the Obesity. Diet treatments for Obesity include fad diets, formulated diets, very-low-energy diets (VLCD) and conventional diets. Fad diets possible to reduce some weight in short-term; however long-term use there is no scientific basis. Formulated diets are also suitable individuals but need to be properly assessed professionally. Some specific guidelines used in VLCD, They are only appropriate for short-term use. Fruits & vegetable low calorie and fibre rich diet are used to reduce as diet therapy for obese individuals.  A successful weight-loss depends on a multidisciplinary approach.

  • Track 13-1Low-calorie and Fibre-rich Diet
  • Track 13-2High-Protein and Low-Carbohydrate Diets
  • Track 13-3Meal Replacement
  • Track 13-4Mediterranean Diet
  • Track 13-5Ketogenic Diet
  • Track 13-6Dietary Supplements and Herbal Preparations
  • Track 13-7Water Therapy

Obesity counselling is most beneficial for those persons who are overweight. It gives support, guidance & encouragement to the individuals for overcoming their problem & also improving their quality of life. It helps people to take measures that help them achieve & sustain right weight for a life span.

Proper counselling for Obesity highlights the importance of healthy eating and physical activity for weight loss and maintenance, apart from identifying any other factors like genetic factors that are becoming an obese. Eat less exercise more one of the effective counselling.Proper counselling helps the individuals realize that weight loss is a slow & gradual process that requires commitment and hard work. 

  • Track 14-1Physical Activity and Exercise
  • Track 14-2Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Track 14-3Healthy Life Style Counselling
  • Track 14-4Family and Community Interventions
  • Track 14-5Dietary & Nutritional Education and Guidance
  • Track 14-6Control of Unhealthy Food and Beverages

Current research on Obesity is based on identify genetic, Behavioral, & environmental causes of obesity; to understand that how obesity leads to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases other health problems and to build on basic & clinical research findings and study innovative prevention and treatment strategies. The research institutes, other agencies, private and public organizations all will play important roles in reducing the epidemic of obesity.

  • Track 15-1Clinical Studies on Obesity
  • Track 15-2Biomarkers for Assessing Obesity
  • Track 15-3Obesity Surgery- Risks and Challenges
  • Track 15-4Bio-informatic Tools: Next-Generation Obesity
  • Track 15-5Remote Technologies and Telemedicine

Endocrinology deals with the study of medicine which relates to the endocrine system, the system that controls hormones. Endocrinologist will deals with diseases that were caused by problems with hormones. Simply which deals with the diagnosis & treatment of diseases related to various hormones. Endocrinology covers almost all such human functions & such as, respiration, metabolism reproduction, & movement. Endocrinology covers mainly on the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete hormones.

  • Track 16-1Diabetes and Insulin Regulation
  • Track 16-2Type-2 Diabetes and Obesity
  • Track 16-3Endocrinal Oncology
  • Track 16-4Thyroid Disorders
  • Track 16-5Adrenal and Pituitary Tumours
  • Track 16-6Osteoporosis/Metabolic Bone Disease
  • Track 16-7Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Diseases
  • Track 16-8Neuro Endocrinology
  • Track 16-9Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Track 16-10Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Track 16-11Diabetes and Insulin Regulation

Hormones are known as chemical messengers that regulate processes in our body. This is one of the major factors in Obesity causes. The hormones Leptin & insulin, sex hormones, growth hormone influences our appetite, metabolism and body fat distribution. A system of glands, known as the endocrine system, secretes hormones into our bloodstream. The endocrine system works with nervous system & the immune system to help our body cope with different events and stresses. Excesses or deficits of these hormones may lead to obesity &, on the other hand, obesity may leads to changes in certain hormones.

  • Track 17-1Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
  • Track 17-2Cushing syndrome/Cushing’s Disease
  • Track 17-3Insulinoma
  • Track 17-4Congenital Obesity Syndromes
  • Track 17-5Lipodystrophy Syndromes
  • Track 17-6Brain Trauma or Brain Tumours

Clinical endocrinology is the subject that deals with the study of endocrine system its function, diseases and abnormalities related to a patient. The endocrine system is defined that the organs in the body which further release hormones that use to regulate many of the body’s functions, like testes & ovaries, pancreas, the pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Those who are specialized in clinical endocrinology are highly trained physicians.

 Additional Specialized topics, on which clinical endocrinology concentrates, includes thyroid disorders, Hormone disorders of other types can be treated by endocrinologists. Problems while oestrogen of progesterone production in the female body may cause symptoms like decreased fertility. Some endocrinologists specialized in fertility medicine.

  • Track 18-1Clinical molecular endocrinology laboratory
  • Track 18-2Harmone -resistant states
  • Track 18-3Genetics of Endocrinology
  • Track 18-4Endocrine diseases in pregnancy
  • Track 18-5Harmones and aging
  • Track 18-6APUD Syndromes
  • Track 18-7Multiple endocrine neoplasia men syndromes
  • Track 18-8Radiology, nuclear medicine and endocrinology
  • Track 18-9Surgery for endocrine disorders
  • Track 18-10Dermatologic menifestations of endocrine disorders
  • Track 18-11Autoimmune endocrine syndromes
  • Track 18-12Management of some harmone-dependent cancers with analogs of Hypothalamic Harmones

Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction is a problem (or) condition with the region of the brain Known as the hypothalamus, which helps to control and regulate body functions of pituitary gland like Adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland. The hypothalamus also helps to regulate body temperature, childbirth, milk production, growth, Emotions, Sleep, Salt and water balance, weight and appetite.

The main causes of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction includes anorexia, head trauma, bleeding infections and swelling, malnutrition, genetic disorders, radiation, bulimia and surgery.

  • Track 19-1Anterior pituitary diseases
  • Track 19-2clinical disorders of vassopressin
  • Track 19-3pituitary disorders and tall stature in children
  • Track 19-4The pituitary gland and growth failure
  • Track 19-5The role of Igf-1 ina selective population of short children
  • Track 19-6Growth harmone in adults
  • Track 19-7prolactin
  • Track 19-8Endocrinology of psychiatric Disorders

Adrenal gland is a small gland which was located on the top of each kidney. The adrenal glands which produce hormones that help to control heart rate, blood pressure, how body uses food, levels of minerals such as sodium & potassium in the blood, and other functions involved in stress reactions. Cushing’s syndrome, where there is production too much cortisol, while with Addison's disease, there is too little production of cortisol. Some people were born unable to make enough cortisol. The main adrenal gland disorders includes Genetic mutations tumor including ,infections, Certain medicines etc

  • Track 20-1The adrenal cortex and mineralocorticoid hypertension
  • Track 20-2Pheochromocytomas
  • Track 20-3Neuroblastoma
  • Track 20-4congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • Track 20-5Harmonal Hypertension
  • Track 20-6Primary Hypertensionin children
  • Track 20-7Adrenal steroid excess in childhood
  • Track 20-8Adrenal insufficiency in childhood

The reproductive disorder is a disease or a condition where there is a problem in reproductive system.  Both males and female are affected by the reproductive system. The main disorders of male reproductive system include abnormal puberty, sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, infertility, and sexually transmitted diseases. Cancer of testis and penis, hydrocele, vericocele, prostate cancer, hypogonadism , gynecomastia etc.  Female reproductive system disorders includes ,Irregular Periods, Premenstrual Syndrome, Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding, Pre and post-Menopausal Problems , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, cancers of vulva, vagina, cervix, ovary and uterus, fibroids, Vaginal thrush, breast cancer, abnormality in breast size and nipples fibro adenoma , discharge in nipples , breast pain and cyst.

  • Track 21-1Ambiguous genitalia
  • Track 21-2Early precocious and delayed female pubertal development
  • Track 21-3Female reproductive endocrinology in adults
  • Track 21-4Male reproductive disorders in adults
  • Track 21-5Disorders of sexual development in the pediatric and adolescent male

Thyroid disorder is a problem mostly affects the thyroid gland which looks like butterfly shaped gland in front of neck. The thyroid has important roles to regulate numerous metabolic processes in the body. Thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, disorders of these tissues will affect thyroid function & cause thyroid problems.

The main thyroid disorders include hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer Hashimotos thyroiditis, graves disease etc.

  • Track 22-1Evaluation of thyroid function
  • Track 22-2Thyroiditis
  • Track 22-3Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
  • Track 22-4Thyroid tumors in adults
  • Track 22-5Newborn Thyroid disorders and screening
  • Track 22-6Thyroid disorders in children and adolescents
  • Track 22-7Thyroid cancer in children

Mineral disorders may occur as the abnormal levels of minerals either much or too little in the blood. Minerals are very important for the human body. They have various roles in metabolism and body functions and also essential for the proper functioning of cells, tissues and organs. Minerals also play a major role in the building of muscle & bone and important for normal body growth. The main mineral disorders include magnesium disorders, parathyroid disorders, phosphorous disorders, vitamin D disorders.

  • Track 23-1Disorders of calciotropic harmones in adults
  • Track 23-2Common Bone and mineral disorders of childhood
  • Track 23-3Metabolic Bone Disease

Metabolism is conditions were our body make energy from the foods which we have taken.A metabolic disorder may occur when is a abnormal chemical reactions in our body disrupt this process. There are different groups of metabolic disorders. Some affect the breakdown of amino acids, carbohydrates, or lipids. Other group, mitochondrial diseases, affects the parts of the cells that produce the energy. You may cause a metabolic disorder when some organs, such as your liver or pancreas, become diseased or do not function normally. The best example is diabetes in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period of time. Symptoms include high blood sugar, frequent urination increases thirst and hunger. Serious long term complications includes heart stroke, chronic kidney failures foot ulcers damaging of eyes. 

  • Track 24-1Hypoglycemia in infants and children
  • Track 24-2Hypoglycemia in adults
  • Track 24-3Disorders of Lipid metabolism
  • Track 24-4Etiology pathogenesis and therapy of type1 diabetes mellitus
  • Track 24-5Diagnosis and Management of type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • Track 24-6Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Track 24-7Diabetes mellitus type2
  • Track 24-8Type 3 Diabetes Mellitus
  • Track 24-9obesity dyslipidemia and the metabolic syndrome in children
  • Track 24-10Pre-existing diabetes and pregnancy
  • Track 24-11Diabetes mellitus recent developments and clinical implications
  • Track 24-12Diabetes mellitus and the geriatric patient

Inborn errors of metabolism are rare genetic disorders with which the body can’t turn food into energy properly. They are many inborn errors of metabolism which includes fructose intolerance, galactosemia, Maple sugar urine disease, phenyl ketoneuria. Registered dieticians & some other health care providers create a diet that is right for each specific disorder.

  • Track 25-1Introduction of inborn errors of metabolism
  • Track 25-2Glycogen Storage diseases
  • Track 25-3Islets of Langerhans diseases