Nora Ismail Abbas has graduated at the age of 24 years from Cairo University getting excellent with honor degree. She received Critical Care Master very good degree and MD 2011 from Cairo university. She is lecturer of critical care medicine department Cairo University. rn
Background and Introduction: Although established risk factors explain most cardiac risks, significant attention has been focused on alternative biochemical markers to assist in identifying those at risk for coronary heart diseases (CHD). As thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) may represent a novel cardiac risk factor we studied sixty men and women admitted with coronary heart diseases to the critical care department of Cairo university between 1-1-2013 to 1-1- 2014. Thirty other patients free from CHD served as control group (non-CHD group). Subclinical hypothyroidism As high TSH with normal thyroxine level free T4) were measured in both groups, together with other established risk factors, and both groups were compared to each other.
\r\n\r\nResults: Characteristics of the study population showed that the sixty participants in group I has a significantly higher age than the thirty participants in group II with a p value of 0.02 as regards gender no significant difference s were detected between the two groups p value 0.353. All established CHD risk factors were compared between the two groups as blood glucose level, blood urea, blood cholesterol level positive criteria of the presence of metabolic syndrome E. All those risk factors showed that they have a statistically significant difference in group I when compared to group II (p value <0.05). Other risk factors like tobaccos smoking, positive family history for CHD, lack of weekly physical activity elevated mean arterial blood pressure or history of hypertension and increased body mass index did not show any statistically significant difference between the two groups. Free T4 level did not show any significant differences when the two groups were compared.
\r\n\r\nConclusion and recommendation from this study and because there was no increase in prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism among CHD patients, one cannot recommend thyroxine treatment for SCH patients to prevent delay or reverse the process of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
Biography\r\n\r\nManohari Balasingam completed her Post-graduation studies in Internal Medicine from University Malaya, Malaysia and the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK. Her subspecialty training was in non-invasive cardiology from the National Heart Institute in Malaysia with visiting fellowships at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester and BIDMC, Boston, USA. Currently, she is senior consultant physician and head of the Department of Medicine at Kajang Hospital, Malaysia. He has travelled widely and presented in a number of international seminars, forums and conferences and has published papers in international journals. She was also the recipient of international awards for clinical and academic medicine. \r\n\r\n
Introduction\r\nThe field of tele-medicine has carved a niche in health care medicine globally\r\ndue to the increasing number of \'e-patients\'. Using cloud technology, many\r\ndistant locations in the world can be better contacted and therapy offered to\r\npatients cutting travel time, cost as well as relieving the extensive shortage of\r\nhealth-care professionals. This concept also applies to tele-echocardiography\r\nwhich is utilized on the International Space Station (ISS) that orbits the earth.\r\nThis is challenging as the characteristics and performance of the cardiovascular\r\nsystem undergoes changes in the environment of prolonged microgravity in\r\nspace\r\nAim\r\nTo study a new system of performing echocardiography where operators need\r\nnot be experts\r\nMethods\r\nStudies conducted by the European Space Agency have used remotely\r\ncontrolled ultrasound systems allowing expert specialists on earth to remotely\r\nperform echocardiography on astronauts in space. Patients are examined\r\nremotely via a robotic arm and an internet connection. Images are beamed back\r\nto earth in real time to be interpreted by experts (Figure 1).\r\nResults\r\nThe system was successful in that it provided advanced, accurate cardiac\r\ndiagnosis in space for astronauts.\r\nConclusion\r\nWith rapid surge in scientific research, new data and discoveries as well as\r\nspace exploration such as the journey to Mars planned by the National\r\nAeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA), it is invariable how long\r\ndistance consultations, guidance and even remote controlled examinations are\r\ngoing to be viewed in the near future. As such, tele-echocardiography holds\r\ngreat promise for future enterprising innovations of mankind.