ePoster Presentation

ePoster Presentation

Dr.Kshitij C.Joshi,

Gujarat Cancer Research Institute,India

Title: Aleukemic leukemia cutis presenting as a sole sign of relapsed paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: rare case report and review of literature.

Submitted Date: 11-02-2016

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Lorenza Torti,

“Spirito Santo” Civic Hospital, Pescara, Italy.

Title: Leishmaniasis disseminated infection in multiple myeloma: cumulative immunosuppression in a patient plurirelapsed and treated with high dose therapy and novel agents.

Submitted Date: 16-02-2016

Biography Abstract PDF

ePoster Presentation

Timur Saliev

Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

Title: “Cytotoxicity studies of combination of proteasome inhibitor Velcade and hyperthermia”

Submitted Date: 22-06-2016

Biography Abstract PDF