Ahmed Ammar
Dammam University, Saudi Arabia
Graduated from the Medical School in 1977. Started Trained and qualified as neurosurgeon from Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan. Fellowship , Pittsburgh University Pittsburgh , USA. Joined Neurosurgery of Neurosurgery, KFU (Dammam University) since 1987, Professor of neurosurgery since 1994. Visiting professor, departments of Neurosurgery, Virginia University, Charlottesville, USA and Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan. Parallel career , member of The committee of ethics, World Federation for Neurosurgical societies for 8 years, from 1992 to 2000, and shared in writing the “Good Practice: A Guide for Neurosurgeons. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 1999;141: 791-799”. Co- Chairman of the Ethics Committee, world Association of Disasters and emergency medicine. Wrote with Dr. Mark Bernstein a new book “Neurosurgical ethics in practice- value based medicine “which published by springer in August 2014. Presented more than 50 lectures and workshops about medical ethics and introduced the concept “ Value Based Medicine since 2010”. He published nearly 100 scientific papers and wrote 6 chapters in different books and presented over 500 talks in Scientific meetings in 57 countries and one book. Obtained 5 patents and filed other 2 patents. Designed 5 neurosurgical instruments. He described and named special neurological and neurosurgical condition in children which was published in Journal of Neurosurgery
Abstract : Value Based Medicine- Ethical issues in the daily practice