Zang-Hee Cho
Seoul National University
South Korea
Professor Cho received Ph.D, in physics, from Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden. Since then he has been faculty of UCLA, Columbia University, and University of California, Irvine. Last ten years, he served as a Director of the Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon University and established one of the leading PET-MRI brain imaging centers in the world. Professor Cho is an early pioneer of CT and PET, developing world’s first circular ring PET (at UCLA, 1975) and BGO (PET-detector, 1976) and more recently 7.0T MRI+PET Fusion Brain Imaging System at NRI, in Korea. Currently Professor Cho is serving as a Distinguished Research Fellow at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, and also as a member of National Academy of Medicine, Washington D.C. USA.
Research Interest