Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference on Clinical and Counseling Psychology, will be organized around the theme “Advanced treatment strategies and research methodologies implimented in Clinical and counseling psychology”
Clinical Psychologists 2017 is comprised of 22 tracks and 82 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Clinical Psychologists 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Clinical psychology is an integration of the science, theory and clinical knowledge for the purpose of Perceiving, arresting and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote individual and behavioral comfort and personal progress. Clinical psychologistsprovide psychotherapy, psychological testing, and diagnosis of conceptual disability. They generally train within four primary theoretical orientations—psychodynamic, humanistic,cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and systems or family therapy.
- Track 1-1Taxonomy
- Track 1-2General psychology
- Track 1-3Industrial / Organizational psychology
- Track 1-4Geropsychology
- Track 1-5Rehabilitation psychology
- Track 1-6Psychotherapy research
- Track 1-7Stimulus display systems
Counseling Psychology is a specialty and field of concentration in Professional Psychology that cultivates in cynosure on aiding with personal and interpersonal functioning throughout the life time. The paramount aspects in the life of an individual including Educational, Developmental, Emotional, Social, Vocational aspects are its primary concern. Counseling Psychology focuses on wide variety of mental health issues. Major part of Counseling Psychology includes non-verbal communication and building rapport with the client. The conception of Counseling Psychology is the concoction of the theories of notable psychologists such as Lightner Witmer, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. Counseling Psychology holds a unique panorama in the broader practice based disciplines of psychology by paying attention to both to normal developmental issues and emotional and physical disorders.
- Track 2-1Psychology
- Track 2-2Impact of counseling
- Track 2-3Qualitative research in counseling psychology
- Track 2-4Research in counseling psychology
Clinical Pathophysiology is a convergence of pathology with physiology. It seeks to interpret the case outlines in clinical pathology, physiological processes or mechanisms whereby such condition develops and advances. Pathophysiology can also mean the metabolic changes associated with or resulting from disease or injury. Another definition is the functional changes that leads to a particular disease. Psychological disorders is psychological symptoms or behavioral modifications that causes either discomfort or a poor ability to function in ordinary life which occurs in an individual, and shows symptoms of discomfort via a painful symptom or increases the risk of death or disability. Some of the vital psychological disorders are covered in the session by which majority of population suffering from. In a given year, inexactly about 20.9 million American adults aged 18 and older have a mood disorder; More than 90% of people who kill themselves have a diagnosed with psychiatric disorders; about 1.1% of the population age 18 and older have schizophrenia; nearly 40 million adults aged 18 and older have an social anxiety disorder; nearly 2.2 million adults age 18 and older have OCD; about 2.7% of people have panic disorder; and nearly 7.7, 6.8, 15 million adults are suffering million from PTSD, GAD & social phobia respectively.
- Track 3-1Disorder manifestation
- Track 3-2Molecular and cellular mechanism
- Track 3-3Inflammation and cognition
- Track 3-4Environmental influences
Cultural awareness is very important in counseling. Cultural counselling is simply counseling patients but taking into consideration their cultural beliefs and the effect that can have on their treatment. Cultural awareness is an understanding, sensitivity, and appreciation of the history, values, experiences, and lifestyles of minority groups. These groups may include differences in race, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, developmental disabilities, or age. It includes Acceptance and Cognitive diffusion
- Track 4-1Acceptance
- Track 4-2Cognitive defusion
- Track 4-3Identifying cultural differences
Clinical psychopathology is the scientific study of mental disorders, including efforts to View their genetic, biological, psychological, and social causes. Psychopathology is a term which refers to either the study of intellectual ailment or mental distress or the manifestation of behaviour and experiences which may be indicative of intellectual ailment or psychological impairment. Obesity psychopathology is a broad term which is implemented in treating people who are suffering from obesity. Mostly psychiatrists and clinical psychologists are particularly intriguated in this area and may either be involved in clinical mental illness prevention, or research into the origin, development and exposition of such states, or often, both. Psychiatrists in particular are interested in descriptive psychopathology and adolescent psychopathology, which has the aim of describing the symptoms and syndromes of mental sickness. The current talk among doctors and researchers treating mental disorders explores the intersection of genetics and environment in major mental illnesses.
- Track 5-1Abnormal Psychology
- Track 5-2Biological psychopathology
- Track 5-3Child Psychopathology
- Track 5-4Comprehensive psychopathological rating scale
Cognitive psychology is the study or investigation of mental processes such as "attention, , memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking." The present study of cognition reveals on the premise that the brain can be understood as a complex computing system. "cognition" refers to all processes by which the sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used. It applies a nomothetic approach to discover cognitive processes of Human Cognitive Psychology by establishing a comparison between information processing paradigm of human and computer. Cognitive Psychology is highly applicable and supports its theories with many empirical studies.
Personality Psychology deals with the understanding of personality and how it varies among different people. It also studies the similarity between the individuals in terms of personality. In definition, Personality is a combination of thoughts, behavior patterns and social attitudes. Hence understanding Personality Psychology, we get insights on how an individual reacts in certain situations. Psychologists diagnose, treat and study the personality disorders (Traits), that interferes with day-to-day life of an individual.
- Track 7-1Personality theories
- Track 7-2Behaviorist theories
- Track 7-3Personality tests
- Track 7-4Methods measuring Inner experience
Developmental Psychology explains about the development of humans over time. It explains both the effect of nurturing from babies to adults and effect of nature, as the culture itself evolves through the years and decades. Developmental Psychology is an amalgamation of various disciplines in Psychology which are having a shared purpose but dissimilar from one another in remaining respects. Developmental Psychologists concentrate on extensive range of fields, such as biological, social, emotion and cognitive process. They study the relative explanation of both Normative Development and Idiographic Development. Prominent theories in Developmental Psychology include Paiget’s Stage Theory and Banduras Social learning.
Clinical Sport Psychology delebers a new path for thinking about the psychological processes that are involved in attaining and maintaining sport expertise. The clinical and sport research links the gap between clinical and sport psychologists by forming a key that connects athletic performance, basic psychological processes, and relevant empirical findings. This provides a varying dimension with respect to clinical phenomena and non-clinical issues that affect athletic performance and the overall well-being of athletes. Clinical Sports Psychology helps an Individual in every aspect to meet his demands to perform well in the athletic environment and to boost his competitive spirit which will be more important to an athlete.
- Track 9-1Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Track 9-2Clinical Sport Psychology
- Track 9-3Consumer Behavior in Sport
- Track 9-4Social Psychology in Sport
- Track 9-5Psychological Foundations of Doping in Sport
- Track 9-6Ethics in clinical sports psychology
Psychology of Child includes Psychological child development, mainly Note to the progressment throughout the lifespan. Worldwide there are many psychological conferences .As we know mental health is absence of conceptual disorders, various kinds of syndromes during the life span results in mental disorders. Worldwide 20% of adolescent and children suffers with mental disorders. If untreated, then these conditions influence children’s progress. What is the conceptual illness conceptual life span of Child, how Brains and Mental health related, Children sleep and mental health correlation. Mental Rehabilitation? Sometimes people even think of is Mental illness a Myth?? . Having further understanding about the fact we will have conversation on Current issues of Mental Health in child and how the mental health Screening and Assessment is carried, how does the environment influences in children and role of parents with Child Development Psychology, Psychological mannerisms of preschool children.
Adolescence is hard time for a child, Entire psychological and bodily changes occur during this teen age. It is referring to as transitional period in an individual lifespan. In this session we will discuss on physical and hormonal changes like negative attitudes, pressures from squint, drug and alcohol abuse, unhappiness in adolescence, puberty changes, issues of sexuality, impact of substance misuse on child, bullying and aggression, impact of culture on adolescent learning, self-harm and suicidal behavioural response, social life of adolescent, adolescent psychosis, adolescent parental relationship.
- Track 10-1Adolescent crystallization
- Track 10-2Adolescent egocentrism
- Track 10-3Constructive developement framework
- Track 10-4Developemental Psychobiology
- Track 10-5Genetic epistemology
Psychological disorders is psychological syndrome or behavioral pattern that causes either suffering or defective potency to function in ordinary life which occurs in an individual, and shows symptoms of distress via a painful symptom or prognosis the risk of death or intellectual disability. Some of the important psychological disorders are comprehended in the session by which majority of population suffering from. In a given year, on an average around 20.9 million American adults aged 18 and older have a mood disorder; More than 90% of people who shatter themselves have been diagnosed with psychiatric disorders; about 1.1% of the population age 18 and older have schizophrenia; closely 40 million adults aged 18 and older have an anxiety disorder; nearly 2.2 million adults peer group 18 and older haveOCD; about 2.7% of people possess panic disorder; and nearly 7.7, 6.8, 15 million adults are suffering million from PTSD, GAD & social phobia respectively.
- Track 11-1Bipolar disorder
- Track 11-2Sleep dysfunction (delusions & hallucination)
- Track 11-3Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Track 11-4Border line Personality dissorder
Behavioral disorders, also known as disruptive behavioral disorders, are the most common reasons that parents are Usual advised to take their kids for mental health assessments and treatment. If left untreated in childhood, these defects may negatively affect a person’s ability to hold a job and maintain relationships. Many drugs are obtainable for behavioral problems, and the kind of drug that will be prescribed depends on the specific condition being treated. People with anxiety disorder, OCD or ADHD may benefit from antidepressants.
- Track 12-1Neurosis and psychosis
- Track 12-2Mental retardation
- Track 12-3Affective disorders
- Track 12-4Dissociative and somatoform disorders
Neuro psychotherapy (NPT) is a term that summarizes and integrates neuroscientific knowledge in a variety of Proficiency and treatments implementing neuro surgery. Neuro psychotherapy uses evidence based neuroscience and emotional impairments. A neuropsychotherapists is conscious of the body-psyche-interaction and trained to carry out therapeutic judgements with this knowledge. Neuropsychotherapy develops and enhances the theoretical work of Seymour Epstein and Klaus Grawe and identifies that safety in the therapeutic alliance is a core component and guiding tenet of a neuropsychotherapeutic approach.
- Track 13-1Neurostimulation & neurocognitive strategies
- Track 13-2Remote cognitive behaviour therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder
- Track 13-3Trans diagnostic Psychological treatment for anxiety & depressive disorders in adults
Psychoactive Medication often helps in treating depression, anxiety, insomnia, and other psychological difficulties. It does not affect the underlying causes of these disorders, but it renders symptomatic relaxation to allow people to live more normal lives. Most of the drugs covered in this section possess numerous outcomes on the nervous system. Psychotropic drugs for the treatment of mental illness are dependent on the disorders, which they are advised. Mainly it is used as an enhancing therapy for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Based on the reports from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Males (4.2%) were more likely than females (2.2%) to utilize ADHD drugs. Females (4.5%) were more likely than males (2.0%) to use antidepressants. The objective of this session is to understand the relationship between antipsychotics and psychotherapy, role of Akt/GSK3 signaling and dopamine in the action of psychotropic drugs.
- Track 14-1Psychoactive medication
- Track 14-2Antidepressant drugs
- Track 14-3Addiction of psychoactive drugs
- Track 14-4Akt/GSK3 signaling in the action of psychotropic drugs
Clinical Psychology follows various methods for the recovery of people with Intellectual illness such as Behavioral modification therapy techniques, Psychoanalytic methods, Methods of experiential process psychotherapy, Client cantered psychotherapies, Transactional analysis methods, Bioenergetic therapy technique, Systemic therapy technique, Reframe, restructuring and redefining.
- Track 15-1Behavioral modification therapy methods
- Track 15-2Psychoanalytic methods
- Track 15-3Methods of experiential process psychotherapy
Distinct sort of instruments are used to assess the mental health conditions of the sufferers such as Biofeed back devices, Stimulus display systems, computerized systems for psychological assessment and intervention and many more.
- Track 16-1Biofeed back devices
- Track 16-2Computerized systems for psychological assessment and intervention
An important area of expertise for many clinical psychologists is assessment, there are Signs that as many as 91% of psychologists utilize this core clinical practice. There is little unanimity on the scale to which psychiatric disorders is universal or the extent to which they differ on their core definitions. This dispute continues due to the lack ofbiological markers, estimated measurement and the lack of a gold standard for endorsing most psychiatric conditions. Diagnosis and prognosis is the identification of diseases by the examination of signs and indication, the function, the expected duration, and a description of the initiation and development of the disease, like intermittent crisis, progressive abatement, or sudden, unpredictable crisis. Methods involved in psychiatry comprise of both old traditional and advanced methods for assessment. Under present topic from simple physical examination to advanced neuro imaging techniques can be highlighted.
- Track 17-1Electroencephalography and magneto encephalography
- Track 17-2Computed tomography
- Track 17-3Positron emission tomography
- Track 17-4MRI and Functional MRI studies
- Track 17-5Brain mapping studies
Psychology involves the study of mind and behaviour. Psychological disorders arises due to interaction between genetic & environmental factors. Depression is the most commonly seen psychological disorder which provokes individual to administer overdoses of drugs. Psychologists explore concepts such as perception, cognition, emotion, intelligence, phenomenology, motivation, attention, brain functioning, personality, behaviour, and interpersonal correlation includes psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas. Psychological knowledge is often significantly implemented to the assessment and treatment of mental health problems, ultimately aims to benefit society.
- Track 18-1Advance practice nursing
- Track 18-2Pediatric and geriatric nursing
- Track 18-3Suicide assessment, prevention and treatment
- Track 18-4Women mental health
Clinical allied services, clinical Data management, Biostatistics, Medical writing, Regulatory, Project handling and controlling Medical affairs, Quality assurance etc. are few of the services provided by the Clinical Psychologists.
- Track 19-1Clinical allied services
- Track 19-2Data management
- Track 19-3Biostatistics
- Track 19-4Medical writing
- Track 19-5Project management
Psychotherapy is often used either alone or in combination with medications to Cure conceptual illnesses. Nowadays remarkable advances have been made in the treatment of mental illness. Treatment approaches for psychiatric disorders can be differentiated as either somatic or psychotherapeutic. In this Pschiatry conferenceWe will be discussing about somatic treatments counting drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, and deep brain stimulation such as transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy regarding to psychotherapeutic treatments including psychotherapy, behaviour therapy techniques such as dialectical behaviour therapy, hypnotherapy and mindfulness build therapies.
- Track 20-1Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Track 20-2Dialectical behavior therapy
- Track 20-3Psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Track 20-4Effectiveness of psychotherapy
- Track 20-5Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy
Online counseling or e-therapy is a form of therapy where professional counsellor or psychotherapist Conversations over the Internet, to give emotional support or mental health advice. It could be one question, or an on-going conversation. E-therapy is a sensible alternative source of help when traditional psychotherapy is not accessible. It is supervised by skilled, qualified, ethical professionals. E-therapy is not a substitute for traditional psychotherapy. E-therapy is a method of counseling which, though it falls short of full-fledged psychotherapy, is still a very effective source of help.
- Track 21-1Clinical work
- Track 21-2Social workers and E-Therapy
- Track 21-3E-Therapy home