Theme: Expanded Role of Pharmacist for Better Patient Care and to Increase Public Awareness

Pharmacists 2016

Pharmacists 2016

Pharmacists 2016 aims to provide a forum for international researchers from various areas of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical sciences, by providing a platform for critical analysis of new data, and to share latest cutting-edge research findings and results about all aspects of Pharmacy meeting. 

Track 1: Clinical Pharmacists

Clinical Pharmacy is the field of pharmacy practice in which Pharmacists  provides better patient care that improves medication therapy and will improve health and disease prevention. The overall goal line of clinical pharmacy is to uphold the correct and appropriate use of prescription and non-prescription medicinal products and devices, and to minimize side effects and adverse effects. Clinical Pharmacists depend on on their professional relationships with patients to tailor their advice to best meet individual patient needs and desires.

Related Conferences: The Clinical Pharmacy Congress 2016 in London 22nd - 23rd April 2016, ExCeL London, 1 Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London, E16; 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 2ndInternational Conference on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicogenomics June 09-10, 2016 Dallas, USA; 2nd International Conference on Clinical Trials August 22-24, 2016 Philadelphia, USA; 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacovigilance & Clinical Trials September 19-21, 2016 Vienna, Austria; 4th International Conference on Clinical Pharmacy October 31 - November 01, 2016 Las Vegas, USA;  INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia; 3rd Annual HOPA Oncology Pharmacy Practice Management Program September 18-19, 2015 – Hilton Rosemont/Chicago O’Hare, Rosemont, IL; 12th HOPA Annual Conference: March 16-19, 2016 – Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA; 2016 ACCP Annual Meeting October 23-26, Hollywood, FL. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Pharmacists Association, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)


Track 2: Community Pharmacists

Community Pharmacists are most accessible to the public and other health professionals in Primary health care. They supply medicines which are included in a prescription or, when legally permitted, sell them without a prescription. Apart from ensuring an accurate supply of appropriate products, their professional activities also cover patient counselling at the time of dispensing of prescription and also non-prescription drugs, drug information to health professionals, patients and the general public, and participation in health-promotion programmes.

Related Conferences: 6th Annual Speciality Product Distribution and Dispensing Optimization October 13-14, 2015 | Wyndham Historic District | Philadelphia, PA; 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA; African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa; 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle East October 10-12, 2016, Dubai, UAE; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA;  INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Professional Compounding Centres of America, Association of Pharmacy Professionals


Track 3: Hospital Pharmacists

The duties of the Hospital Pharmacists is to be part of the medication management in hospitals, which encompasses the process in which medicines are selected, procured, delivered, prescribed, administered and reviewed to optimise the contribution that medicines make in generating informed and desired outcomes to enhance the safety and quality of all medicine related processes affecting patients in the hospital to ensure the 7 “rights” are respected: right patient, right dose, right route, right time, right drug with the right information and documentation.

Related Conferences: 2nd Indo-Global Summit & Expo on Veterinary October 26-28, 2015 Hyderabad, India; 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle East  October 10-12, 2016, Dubai, UAE; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia. Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand, Pharmaceutical Association of Mauritius, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)


Track 4: Industrial Pharmacists

Industrial Pharmacy as the same indicates the field of manufacturing, marketing and distribution of drug products including Quality assurance of these activities.

Related Conferences: International Conference and Expo on Industrial Pharmacy April 28-29, 2016 Dubai, UAE; IPU national pharmacy conference 22-24 APRIL 2016 CROWNE PLAZA NORTHWOOD, DUBLIN; 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and IPR Sep 29- Oct 01, 2016 Miami, USA; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA; International Conference and Expo on Generic Drug Market and Contract Manufacturing Oct 31- Nov 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Drug Development, Pharmacokinetics and Imaging 18–22 January 2016 Oxford, United Kingdom; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia; ICIP 2016: 18th International Conference on Industrial Pharmacy, January 21 - 22, 2016, Paris, France; ; ICIP 2016: 18th International Conference on Industrial Pharmacy, January 21 - 22, 2016, Paris, France; International Conference on Industrial Pharmacy 2016, Apr, 11, 2016 to Apr, 12, 2016, Dubai, UAE. Canadian Pharmacists Association, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Major Pharmacists Associations in Australia


Track 5: Research Pharmacists

Pharmacists in the department of Research and Development provide an invaluable interface in this process by liaising with clinicians and scientists across the development arena. Within clinical research, pharmacists can help to assess the efficacy and safety of new medicines. Skills learnt during pharmacy training makes them to contribute to the complete clinical trial process from planning the trial, developing the prototype formulations for administration of Drug first in animals and later for trials in humans, the production, packaging, labeling and supply of the medicine to clinical researchers, through to the monitoring as well as reporting of complex studies.

Related Conferences: Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2016 (4th in the Series) May 11th - 14th, 2016, Boston, MA, USA; Pharmacy Research UK  7th & 8th April 2016  at the University of Reading; 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA; New Antibacterial Discovery & Development Gordon Research Conference, March 13-18, 2016, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Lucca (Barga), Italy; African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia; 2nd Annual Formulation & Drug Delivery Congress, 18 – 19 May 2016 in London, UK; ICHERK 2016: 18th International Conference on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, January 12 - 13, 2016, Zurich, Switzerland. Australian Friendly Societies Pharmacies Association, Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency, Pharmacy Board of Australia

Track 6: Nuclear Pharmacists

Nuclear Pharmacy is a practice of Pharmacy defined as a patient-oriented service embodying the scientific knowledge and professional judgment required to improve patient health through the safe and efficacious use of radioactive drugs for diagnosis and therapy.

Related Conferences: International Conference on Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy July 14-15, 2016 Cologne, Germany; 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA;  African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa; 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle East October 10-12, 2016, Dubai, UAE; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia; Positron Emission Tomography (PET): Technology and Application March 21 - 23, 2016, King’s College London; Radionuclide radiology study day, April 21, 2016, The Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Australian Pharmacy Council (APC), Professionals Australia, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA)


Track 7: Academic Pharmacists

Academic Pharmacists are engaged in education, pharmaceutical practice, and research in schools of pharmacy. These three aspects of academic activity are interconnected, and at the same time connected with manpower planning and management.

Related Conferences: 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA; African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa; 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle East October 10-12, 2016, Dubai, UAE;  World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 21st Congress of the EAHP Vienna, Austria; 5th Annual International Convention of Association of Pharmacy Professionals 22–23 January 2016 TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, India; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia; Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference 2016 17-20 March, Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre, Broadbeach, Australia. Australian Pharmacy Council (APC), Professionals Australia, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA)


Track 8: Ambulatory Pharmacists

Ambulatory Care Pharmacy is a new focus for pharmacists and work in both an institutional and community-based clinic involved in direct care of diverse patients. Ambulatory care pharmacy practice is the provision of integrated, accessible patient health care services by pharmacists who are responsible for addressing medication needs, developing sustained partnerships with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community.

Related Conferences: 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany, 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA, African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa, 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle East October 10-12, 2016, Dubai, UAE; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA, 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia;41st Annual Conference: The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) , May 18-21, 2016, Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel, CA; THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF AMBULATORY CARE (CAAC) 2016 CONFERENCE, May 12-13, 2016, Westin Prince Hotel, Toronto. Association of Hospital Pharmacists , Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia


Track 9: Home Health Care Pharmacists

 Home Care Pharmacy provides a large selection of healthcare and home medical equipment that helps public to be safe and independent in the home.

Related Conferences: 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma  Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany, 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA, African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa, 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle EastWorld Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA, 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia. Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) - Pharmacy Division of Professionals Australia, The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA)


Track 10: Managed Care Pharmacists

A pharmacist working in a managed care Pharmacy environment is intimately involved in the care and course of pharmaceutical treatment and plays an important role in contributing to positive patient outcomes.  The areas of opportunities for pharmacists to organize patient health care include but are not limited to data integration, communication management with Physicians and research efforts for patient outcomes , drug utilization review, disease management, academic detailing, cost analysis programs, and pharmacy benefit design.  In addition, Pharmacists are able to qualify and quantify the results of different programs and therapies, and will add on value to the health care team.

Related Conferences: Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) 28th Annual Meeting & Expo April 19- 22, 2016 San Francisco, California, 4th Annual Conference on European Pharma  Congress June 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany, 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA, African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa, 2nd Annual Congress on Pharma Middle East October 10-12, 2016, Dubai, UAE; World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA, 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES 2016 18–20 March 2016 Ipoh, Malaysia. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Pharmacists Association, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)


TRACK 11: Pharmacists and Practice

Based on International Pharmaceutical Federation the guidelines for Good Pharmaceutical Practice were first placed in 1993. And further used as reference by governments, National Pharmaceutical Organisations and international pharmaceutical organizations in order to set up nationally accepted standards. The aim is to "contribute to health improvement and to help patients with Diseases & health problems to make the best use of their medicines".

Related Conferences: World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; Pharma Middle East November 02-04, 2015 Dubai, UAE; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA; 2016 HSRPP Conference: 7th & 8th April at Reading University; International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners April 17-20, 2016, Santiago, chile; APhA 2016 Annual meeting and Exposition March 4-7 Baltimore, MD. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Professional Compounding Centres of America, Association of Pharmacy Professionals


Track 12: Pharmacists - Continent Wise

To promote a mutual understanding of regional harmonisation initiatives in order to facilitate the synchronization process related to ICH Guidelines globally, and to facilitate the capacity of drug regulatory authorities and industry to utilise them.

Related Conferences: World Pharma Congress October 31-November 02, 2016 Las Vegas, USA; Pharma Middle East November 02-04, 2015 Dubai, UAE; 6th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; African Pharma Expo June 20-22, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa; 7th Annual Global Pharma Summit June 20-22, 2016 New Orleans, USA. Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand, Pharmaceutical Association of Mauritius, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)


Track 13: Internet Pharmacy

Since about the year 2000, a large number of Internet Pharmacies have been established worldwide. Many of these pharmacies are alike to community pharmacies, and in fact, many of them are actually operated by brick-and-mortar community pharmacies that help consumers online and those that walk in their door. The primary difference is the method by which the medications are requested and received. Some consumers consider this to be more convenient and private method rather than traveling to a community drugstore where another customer might overhear about the drugs that they take. Internet pharmacies are recommended to some patients by their physicians if they are home bound. Australian Pharmacy Council (APC), Professionals Australia, Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA)

ConferenceSeries Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend ' 5th Global Pharmacists Annual Meeting' during July 14-15, 2016 Brisbane, Australia which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Pharmacists 2016 aims to provide a forum for international researchers from various areas of pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, by providing a platform for critical analysis of new data, and to share latest cutting-edge research findings and results about all aspects of Pharmacy meeting.

Why to Attend???

With all the scientific people over the world focused on learning about advancements in Pharma community. This is a best globalised opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants. We anticipate participants, renowned speakers and eminent delegates across the globe attending the conference to share their valuable presentation and galvanize the scientific community. Pharmasists-2016 is a 3-day event offering to conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with potential scientists, make a splash with new developments, and receive fame and recognition. Our services have always met with great achievement in Business Conferencing. World-renowned speakers, the most recent and advanced techniques, developments, and the newest updates are the prominent features of the conference.

The conference provides a platform to detail the research works of pharmacy expertise from various scientific backgrounds and the same can be perceived by young researchers and students. The conference mainly aims to promulgate knowledge on pharmacy. Global Pharmacists Annual Meeting would be a perfect venue to share and develop knowledge on key pharmacy tools.

Target Audience:

Pharmacists from various areas

Eminent Scientific Professionals in Pharma

Pharma Colleges & Training Institutes

Pharmaceutical Associations and Societies

Pharmaceutical Business Entrepreneurs

Manufacturing Pharmaceutical products Companies

Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies

Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors

PhD Scholars, Graduates and Post Graduates in Pharmacy 

Directors, CEO’s of Organizations

Association, Association presidents and professionals

Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine

Data Management Companies


Pharmacists-2016 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to Brisbane, Australia. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the “5th Global Pharmacists Annual Meeting” (Pharmacists-2016) which is going to be held during July 14-15, 2016 at Brisbane, Australia. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Pharmacists-2016, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the Pharmacists-2016 organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Brisbane, Australia.

For more details please visit-

Importance & Scope:

Pharmacists are often the first port of call for people to get advice on health in general, as well as specific clinical conditions. Pharmacists have long been providing health services in every region of Australia, and while they remain mostly outside the glare of the limelight, the profession remains one of the most respected in the community. With the development of specific and potent synthetic drugs, the emphasis of the pharmacist’s responsibility has moved substantially towards the utilization of scientific knowledge in the proper use of modern medicines and the protection of the public against dangers that are inherent in their use. Pharmacists are employed in regulatory control and drug management, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, the pharmaceutical industry, academic activities, training of other health workers, and research. In all these fields, their aim is to ensure optimum drug therapy, both by contributing to the preparation, supply and control of medicines and associated products, and by providing information and advice to those who prescribe or use pharmaceutical products.

The market environment in which Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences companies operate is increasingly challenging, being driven by a more and more demanding healthcare agenda leading to a new marketing and sales system The global need for innovative, cost effective medicines continues to rise whilst regulators, payers, health care providers and patients are demanding greater value for money, proven effectiveness of products, more transparency and access to information.

Why Australia??

Australian Pharmaceutical market is AUD 22 Billion according to IBIS Pharmaceutical product in Australia and AUD 30.5 Billion as 2020 Forecast. Australia is the15th largest pharmaceutical industry and is leading country in research and Development. Australia has a proud history of seven Nobel winners in medicine. Australia has high expenditure on R &D with increase in generic growth. On an annual review the addition of expensive innovative drugs to the Pharmaceutical benefit Scheme (PBS) by Australian Government is increasing. There is a large pipeline of pharmaceutical companies. Recent Funds Raised to Australian Universities in Medical Research by NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council)

Professor Katrina Allen, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute ($459,687)

Professor Jodie Dodd, University of Adelaide ($551,436)

Professor Jon Emery, University of Melbourne ($459 687)

Conference Highlights:

Clinical Pharmacists

Community Pharmacists

Hospital Pharmacists

Industrial Pharmacists

Research Pharmacists

Managed Care Pharmacists

Pharmacists and Practice

Why to Attend???

With members from around the world focused on learning about better patient care and to increase public awareness, this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the field of pharmacy. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new drug developments, and receive name recognition at this 3-day event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in Pharmacy are hallmarks of this conference.

A Unique Opportunity for Advertisers and Sponsors at this International event:


Major Pharmacists Associations around the Globe:

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

American Pharmacists Association

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Professional Compounding Centres of America

Association of Pharmacy Professionals

Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand

Pharmaceutical Association of Mauritius

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

Canadian Pharmacists Association

Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS)

Major Pharmacists Associations in Australia:

Australian Friendly Societies Pharmacies Association

Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency

Pharmacy Board of Australia

Australian Pharmacy Council (APC)

Professionals Australia 

Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA)

Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA) - Pharmacy Division of Professionals Australia

Association of Hospital Pharmacists (HSU No 4 Branch)

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia

Regional Aspects:

Fig 1
The geographic distribution of the Australian Pharmacies industry reflects the nation’s economic, social and demographic breakdown; in June 2009, the three eastern seaboard states accounted for 77% of total approved pharmacy and friendly society numbers. This same proportion is thought to hold to
Employed Pharmacists in Australia:


Fig 2


Global Pharmaceutical Sales:

The world pharmaceutical market was worth an estimated € 667,653 million ($ 857,800 million) at ex-factory prices in 2012.

Top Universities in Australia:

Monash University

University of Perth

University of Adelaide

University of Melbourne

University of Australia

University of Sydney

University of New Southwales

University of Queensland

University of Canberra

James Cook University

University of Tasmania

University of South Australia.

Curtin University

University of Western Australia

La Trobe University

Charles Strut University


Fig 3


Glance at Pharma market in Australia:

Australia’s healthcare market is set to grow to an impressive $42.5 billion by 2020, driven by universal healthcare coverage provided by Medicare and good access to facilities such as government-subsidized medicines, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData.


The company’s latest report, Country Focus: Healthcare, Regulatory and Reimbursement Landscape - Australia states that Australia’s pharmaceutical sector was valued at $22.7 billion in 2013, and will increase at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.1% to $32.1 billion by 2020. The country’s medical devices market will expand at a slightly slower CAGR of 4.9% to reach an estimated $10.4 billion by the end of the forecast period.

Mr. Owide notes that market growth has been restricted by a rise in generic substitution and cost-cutting measures adopted by the Australian government. PBS statistics show that the government has reduced the prices of PBS-listed medicines eight times since 2012, by percentages ranging from 1% to 90%. The 16% drug price reductions implemented in April this year represent a loss for pharmaceutical companies, while generic substitution by pharmacists has been permitted since 1994 and has had a negative impact on pharmaceutical market growth.”


To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 14-15, 2016
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed Day 1 Day 2
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