Kashif Rizvi
New Mowasat Hospital Diabetes & Medical Centre, Kuwait
Title: Diabetes current perspectives and lessons learnt from the epicenter, the Persian Gulf
Biography: Kashif Rizvi
Given the upsurge in type 2 diabetes of epidemic proportions especially within the Persian Gulf region, it is of utmost importance to realize that no health care system in the world could deal with it just through therapeutic interventions or management of its complications. Given its myriad affects type 2 diabetes has the potential to pass the threshold of sustainable spending in the health care sector of even the wealthiest economies of the world. This talk aims to run through lifestyle habits of a sedentary obesogenic society as the root cause of the epidemic and addresses the current dearth of knowledge
amongst health care providers and their ‘glucocentric’ approach which often results in missed diagnosis of warning signs of this syndrome or suboptimal care once diagnosed. In the industrial and automation age there has been a paradigm shift in the metabolic syndrome’s prevalence and unless a holistic, multifaceted and multifactorial approach is adopted we run the risk of not only cutting short the productive years of life but also add to the enormous burden of morbidity and mortality spanning virtually all age groups . Kuwait features amongst the top countries of the world in this regard and has a unique cohort where an indigenous population compares expats in the disease prevalence indicating a strong environmental factor. This talk runs through type 2 diabetes in a holistic manner covering all aspects of it within Kuwaiti society and sets guidelines for the rest of the affluent world.