Marco Piciche
San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Italy
Marco Piciche completed his Graduation in Medicine at University of Florence in 1995 and Cardiac Surgery Residency at Tor Vergata University of Rome in 2000. He has worked as an Assistant at Saint Luc Hospital, Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels (1999–2001), as a Clinic Head/Hospital Assistant at universities of Clermont-Ferrand (2003–2004) and Montpellier (2004–2007). In Canada, he authored a research project on ‘‘Noncoronary collateral circulation,’’ which was submitted to the annual research competition at Québec Heart & Lung Institute, Laval University, and received the competition’s highest grant. In September 2011, he completed his PhD in Therapeutic Innovations from Paris-Sud University. He is the Editor in Chief of the book Dawn and Evolution of Cardiac Procedures-Research Avenues in Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology. Currently, he is a Consultant Cardiac Surgeon in Italy.
Abstract : The nature and enigma of the noncoronary collateral circulation