Noémi Császár-Nagy
Head of Department
National Center for Spinal Disorders
Császár Noémi Ph. D., ECP, is the Head of the Education Board of the Hungarian Association of Hypnosis (H.A.H), clinical psychologist, supervisor hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, Head of Psychotherapy Department and Psychosomatic Out-Patient Department at the National Center for Spinal Disorders in Budapest. She is the author of the special issue chapter: Császár N., Ganju A., Mirnics Zs., Varga P.P.: Psychosocial Issues In The Cancer Patient. Spine, 15:34 (22 Suppl):26−30, 2009. And the book chapter: Császár N.: Hypnotherapy treatment of chronic Pain. In: Vértes, G. (ed.): Hypnosis─Hypnotherapy. Budapest, Medicina Könyvkiadó Rt., 2006, 31–62.
Research Interest
Psychology, Hypnosis, Rehabilitation, Cardiology