Shailesh Kumar Patil
Fabiani & Budhrani Heart Institute, India
Title: Balloon mitral valvotomy in youngest rheumatic mitral stenosis patient
Biography: Shailesh Kumar Patil
Rheumatic heart disease occurring at a young age including juvenile mitral stenosis results in morbidity as well as mortality in adolescents and young adults, and also becomes one of the major cause of loss of the most productive years of life in developing countries like India. Rarely rheumatic MS may occur in < 5 years age, wherein rapid hemodynamic progression and cardiac morbidity and mortality occur. Our patient was 4 years old child with severe mitral stenosis (documented since 2 year 6 months of age) presenting with repeated pulmonary edema and the typical echocardiographic findings strongly indicated a rheumatic origin of this condition. Considering the fulminating nature of disease, patient was planned for early intervention and was taken for balloon mitral valvotomy with 20 mm Tyshak balloon. Percutaneous transmitralcommisurotomy (PTMC) may therefore become the only lifesaving intervention in these cases unless contraindicated, although the procedure entails considerable technical issues in this age group like sizing of peripheral venous sheath, choice of balloon, estimation of optimum balloon size by the height criteria. A few case series of balloon mitral valvotomy in patients aged 7 to 12 years have also been reported, and the procedure has been safe and effective even in this young population. To the best of our knowledge,our patient was the youngest documented case of established rheumatic heart disease and also one of the youngest PTMC procedure performed.
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