Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Chui Ling Teng

University Hospital of North Midlands, UK

Title: Total elbow athroplasty for the treatment of unstable chronic nonunions of the distal humerus: A case series

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Chui Ling Teng

University Hospital of North Midlands, UK

Title: Outcomes following distal inter-phalangeal fusion in the hand using Acutrak® screws

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Resit Sevimli

Turgut Ozal Medical Center - Inonu University, Turkey

Title: Distribution & evaluation of primary bone and soft tissue tumors admitted from Malatya Province and surrounding provinces

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Resit Sevimli

Turgut Ozal Medical Center - Inonu University, Turkey

Title: Comparison of Medium-Period Outcomes of Allografts and Autografts Used in Repair of Bone Defects in Patients Who Were Treated In Our Department Due To Skeletal System Tumors

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Resit Sevimli

Turgut Ozal Medical Center - Inonu University, Turkey

Title: An analysis of the outcomes of orthopaedic surgery performed in patients with metastatic bone tumour and clinic patients with pathological fracture in the province of Malatya in Turkey

Biography Abstract